Well, I have finally finally found a system that works for me.
Each week I collate the inserts, then clip out any coupons I would use. This is a good time to forget brand loyalty ;)
Once I have my massive stack of coupons I sort them into 4 categories:
1. Non-perishable food (canned goods, baking supplies, cereal)
2. Perishable foods (anything found in the refrigerated or freezer section)
3. Health & Beauty (medicine, toothpaste, makeup)
4. Household items (laundry soap, toilet paper, cleansers)
{Here is where it gets tricky. Not because it's difficult, but because I'm not very good at explaining things.}
I skipped the first page in the album (I'll tell you why in a little bit) and then file the coupons by the first letter of the brand name, so it's a-w then x,y,z are combined on the last page since there are so few of them.
So, each page is assigned a letter, which then has the 4 sub-categories.
I'm more of a visual person:
coupons I plan to use for my shopping trip (top slot).
(Scribbles courtesy of my two year old. I love him dearly, but it's so much easier to leave him at home with daddy while I shop! )
So I make my list in this little note book then bring it with a pen and my album coupon binder to the store. As I go through my list I pull out the coupons that I can use for the item and place them in the little slot next to my list. It makes it much easier at check out time, I have all the coupons that I can use in one place rather than a handful that I'm frantically matching up to the items in my basket while in the check out line. Trust me, I've been there. It's not fun.
I hope that doesn't seem too complicated, or too much work. I promise it's not. It's actually quite easy and I love having the coupons with me (clearance+coupons=super good deals). I'm saving more than I have in a long time.
What do you think? Have you found a system that works for you?
Please don't hesitate to leave a question or hello in the comments!
I should try this, first I need to start getting the paper again! I miss saving with coupons!
Where do you get all your coupons? I really need to learn the tricks of coupons...I have never been much of a coupon person (unless it's Joanne's or Michaels, then I'm pro!). I really need to make one of these, it sounds like a great idea!
you can be my personal grocery shopper. thanks in advance :)
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